International Write A Novel Workshop


Hey YA Lovers & Friends,

I promised to share my good news with you. More keeps rolling in, so I’ll start with the first good news today.
Sometimes you just have to DIVE into what you believe your meant to do…which is why… 

I’m hosting an International…
Write A Novel Workshop Conference…
In Chengdu, China…
Lorie Langdon & Carey Corp
& Self-Published Amazon #1 Best Seller, Laura Frances, 
& Upcoming Debut author, Ellen McGinty!

Doing Author-y things in China, where I have lived for quite some time now, has been a dream of mine. And this year, it was DO or DO NOT, there was no “try.” (Thanks, Yoda.)

After these amazing authors gave their full-hearted, YES, everyone behind the project has given above what I’ve asked. Now, our conference has sponsors, great locations, supporters, partners, a team, and a whole slew of people (local & expat) of all ages who are anticipating this workshop.

Local universities, bookstores, Chengdu International High Schools, and even the US Consulate have offered their support of this workshop and have helped me to arrange panel talks, author talks, book clubs, and more for these authors. (Huzzah!) Thanks to all involved!

Of course, my secret plan is to make them fall in love with China too! Alongside one of our amazing sponsors–Extravagant Yak Tibet Tour Co, we will tour Lorie and Carey & Ellen and Laura in my Chinese host city and nearby ancient villages–because these crazy authors who are brave enough to venture across the world deserve at least that! (Kudos, ladies!)

Here is the PAGE where you can check the conference and also the author’s bios! I would LOVE for you to spread the word or even hop on a plane to join us. Thanks–I couldn’t do this without you!

Thought of the Day: DREAMS are in our heart for a reason–at the right time, we all have a choice to grab and pull it into existence! My advice? Go for it! You can do it!

Love & books,

Feel free to contact me if you have questions! STAY TUNED FOR ‘GOOD NEWS PART 2’ Tomorrow!


Write A Novel Workshop


What Does Global YA Mean To You?